Insightful reports

What good is a data management system if you can't get your data back out in meaningful, insightful ways? Forté gives you lots and lots of reports, most of which you can customize so that you can slice and dice your company's data any way you want. And if we don't have a report you need, we will create it for you. Most of the reports in the system have come about from requests from our clients. Still not satisfied? OK - we have export processes in Forté that allows you to download ALL of your data in spreadsheet format. Any way you want to look at your data, we have you covered.

Staff information reports

Staff roster, hire date, seniority list, birth date, management assignments and more.

Leave reports

In/out report (see above), leave by employee, leave by program, leave by department, leave by date, denied leave, leave accurals, requested leaves that have not been acted upon by the approver, leave usage by day (who has a pattern of calling in sick on Mondays and Fridays?) and lots more.

Reports about time and expense

Who's late in submitting their timesheet, summary of hours for a period by department, cost center or project, payroll reports, expenses by department and/or cost center. Expenses by employee. Want more? Just ask!

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