CorpsData features

Insightful reports

Useful and intuitive

Whether it is a report about people (rosters, parents, volunteers, donors, emergency contacts, etc.), uniform/costume sizes, event attendance and travel management, financials, email and text information and much more - we've got you covered.

Need more? Just ask.

Our systems are built from the great feedback we get from our customers. Need another report? Just ask us. Our policy is if the report is something other customers might use, we will create it for free. If it is something unique to your corps, we will write you a quote and you can tell us if you want it done.

Three flavors

All of our reports come in three flavors: a screen report that you can view on your computer, tablet or smartphone, a PDF version that you can view, print or email and an extract where you can create a CSV file to bring into Excel for further analysis.