CorpsData CorpsData

CorpsData Test Drive

The only way to really get an idea of everything CorpsData can do is to take it for a test drive. And we invite you to do just that. You can log in as an administrator and see all of the features we have provided to make running your Corps easier and less expensive. Or you can log in as a marching member to see how member's are notified of financial obligations, forms to turn in, events to RSVP for and how they can get contact information, pictures and biographies of other members, staff, alumni and volunteers.
Log in as a Corps administrator.

You are going to be logging in as Bill McPherson, Director of the Grantsburg Grenadiers. Bill is an alum of the Corps. After aging out, Bill joined the percussion staff of another Corps and then came home to teach and eventually run the Grenadiers.

Bill wants to verify that the Corps roster is up-to-date. He clicks on the "tools" tab at the top of the page and click on "Roster" under the "Reports" section. Notice that all of the names are hot links to each person's profile. Also notice that all of our reports come with a print version, so you can take it with you. Of course with CorpsData being a web application, if you can bring a computer to camp and get an internet connection, you can update your data right away. Imagine collecting camp fees and entering them into the system as you get the checks.

Speaking of financial obligations, Bill wants to see how they are doing with fee collections. He clicks on "tools" again and then runs the "Financial obligations" report. For each member he can see the amount billed, the amount collected and current balance. He can also see the totals for the Corps. And Bill knows that he can take this information from CorpsData and export it to the Corps accounting program.

If Bill has received a couple of checks from members, he can click on the "financial" tab, then on "receive payments", and then on the member's name to enter the payment information into CorpsData.

CorpsData allows Bill to manage the Corps inventory and to note which equipment was assigned to whom. Click on the "inventory" tab to take a look.

Bill can also manage his volunteers and track donations in CorpsData. Click on the "volunteers" or "donors" tabs to see how that works.

In the "events" module, Bill can set up camp schedules, rehearsals, performances, fund raisers, banquets and any other item and publish it for the Corps to see. But what is really cool is that Bill can invite people to these events and have CorpsData automatically send out e-mail invitations! Bill can also ask that invitees RSVP so that he knows how many people are coming.

But the feature that Bill and his staff use most is the mass e-mail module. Bill can e-mail all members, all staff, all alumni, members by section or position or everyone ever affiliated with the Corps. And his staff can send out e-mails to the members they teach by section and position. His volunteer coordinator can send out mass e-mail to all volunteers at once. And everyone can add attachments to the e-mail. So parts get out to people, the newest newsletter goes out electronically and everyone is communicating better.

These are just a few of the many things CorpsData can do to help you run your Corps more efficiently, more effectively and less expensively.

Please feel free to take a look, play around with it and see what you think. If you have any questions, contact us at

Log in as a marching member.

You are going to be logging into CorpsData as Michelle Mangini. Michelle has been with the Grantsburg Grenadiers for three years, marching in the horn line, playing mellophone.

While logged in as Michelle, here are some things you might want to take a look at:

  • Click on "my profile" on the left-side tool bar. In CorpsData, users manage their own data. What this means is that administrators (and volunteers) don't have to do hours and hours of painstaking data-entry work. Your members, staff and alumni update their own information - ensuring that you always have current contact information for everyone in your Corps.
  • At the top of the left-side tool bar, you will see a link called "financial obligations". By clicking this Michelle can quickly check how much she has paid and how much she still owes in camp fees and dues for this year's Corps.
  • Below that is a link called "forms". Clicking this tell Michelle's what forms are required and what she has turned in.
  • "Contact information" allows Michelle to update her name, address, phone numbers, e-mail and instant messaging addresses.
  • "Corps history" lets Michelle designate what years she marched with the Grenadiers and also, experience she may have with other Corps.
  • "Pictures" gives Michelle the option of uploading up to five pictures to her profile. This is a fun way for members and alumni to share their corps experience.
  • And by clicking on "corpsdata information", Michelle can manage her own password. She can also decide what data she wants other members to be able to see about her.

At the top of the page you will see a series of tabs. These are "module" tabs. The most important one for members is the "to-do" tab. This gives Michelle a snapshot view of her responsibilities to the Corps. Events she has been asked to RSVP to, forms to turn in and financial obligations are all listed here in a one page overview.

The "people" tab lets Michelle search for members, staff, alumni, volunteers and administrators. By using the "Filter List" parameters she can quickly find all the people who have ever played mellophone for the Grenadiers. Then she can plan that Mellophone Reunion party she always wanted to have.

Clicking on the "events" tab takes Michelle to the Corps Calendar. She can get camp information, contact information for tour sites and more from the calendar.

The "what's new" tab tells Michelle who has recently updated their information and who has uploaded new pictures. Your members will be checking here often.

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User data as of
May 08, 2024
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